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How to Summon Paimon - WikiNecronomicon




Rank: King

Legions: Twenty-five

Appearance: A woman who rides upon a dromedary

Personality: Leader

Scripture: The Lesser Key of Solomon

Methods of Evocation

Paimon, Baymon or Paymon as referred to in The Book of Office Spirits, is a demon who is often noted for his dedication to Lucifer. There are a few discrepancies in descriptions between The Lesser Key of Solomon and The Book of Office Spirits; the most notable being his sex change from a woman to a man between the two. Also according to The Book of Office spirits, he is the ruler of one of the cardinal directions as appointed by Satan, though this is not mentioned in later grimoires. When he appears he is accompanied by loud orchestras with a band of soldiers behind him. He also has a roaring and hoarse voice.

His voice is hard to interpret, so a band of messengers will transcribe his sayings and hand it to the exorcist. In The Grimoire of Pope Honorius he is referred to as Baymon and is described as the king of the west. His conjuration is, "Baymon, most potent King, who reignest in the Western quarter, I call and I invoke thee in the name of the Deity! I command thee by virtue of the Most High, to send me immediately before this circle the Spirit Passiel Rosus, with all other Spirits who are subject unto thee, that the same may answer in everything, even as I shall require them. If thou failest, I will torment thee with the sword of fire divine; I will multiply thy sufferings, and will burn thee."

Paimon's Seal
