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Aleister Crowley



Aleister Crowley (born October 12th, 1875 at 11:42pm; died December 1st, 1947) was a British occultist, writer, and poet most known for his contributions to the new-age religion of Thelema. Thelema's base ideology consists of the idea that Earth's ages can be split into different Aeons ruled by different Egyptian gods. Which started in prehistoric times with the God Isis (matriarchy) before going into the Aeon of Osiris during the Medieval period (patriarchy) and then currently entering the Aeon of Horus at the turn of the 19th century. It is believed that the next Aeon will be the Aeon of Ma'at.

Foundation of Thelema

From February of 1904 to April of 1904, Crowley and his wife Rose Kelley both began to hear disembodied voices after Crowley attempted to invoke the power of Egyptian gods. This voice later began speaking vicariously through Rose Kelly. The teachings of this voice, who identified himself as an entity named Aiwass, proclaimed that humanity was going into the Aeon of Horus. These communications laid the foundation for a scripture called, "The Book of the Law", which wasn't published until 1909 in a compilation of books laying the groundwork for Thelema. It's believed by some that the next Aeon is the Aeon of Ma'at, though if one is to coincide with the theme that the next Aeon is ruled by the child of the last two (this also suggests that this is the Aeon of Horus the Younger rather than Horus the elder) gods then the next Aeon would be of Hathor and then the one after that ruled by one of his four sons (Duamutef, Hapy, Imsety or Qebehsenuef).

Birth Chart