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How to Summon Bael - WikiNecronomicon




Rank: King

Legions: Sixty-six

Appearance: Like a man, other times like a cat or toad

Personality: Sly

Scripture: The Lesser Key of Solomon

Methods of Evocation

Bael, sometimes Beal or Beel in the Book Of The Office Of Spirits, is the first principle demon of the Ars Goetia, who resides in the east. He speaks hoarsely and grants one invisibility, though will not provide his powers if one does not wear his sigil. According to The Dictionnaire Infernal, in which he is called Beal, he is the first and head king of hell who is the demon of cunning and glib. Also in The Dictionnaire Infernal, he is described as having three heads of a toad, cat, and man rather than shifting from one form to the other.

Some speculate that Bael is actually, much like Belphegor, a poorly translated version of the winged Middle-Eastern and Canaanite fertility deity Baal, and considering the tendency for writers to transcribe his name in a strange multitude of ways, it seems viable. In the Bible, specifically Numbers 25:3 and Deuteronomy 4:3, an alleged Moabite deity named Baal of Peor helped drive the men of Israel to sex, immorality, and sacrifice, this is unlikely to have happened for two reasons: the first being that a fertility God would not condone animal sacrifice (that seems more like Mot's job) and that the lack of any "Baal of Peor" mentioned in any historical record suggests whoever wrote this section had a poor understanding of his name, let alone any rituals surrounding him.

In the aforementioned Book of Office Spirits, it is said he is one with Beelzebub, and is a prince who commands 1,000,000 demons. It is said that he is very beautiful and gives gold and silver to the summoner. He must also lay amber, aloes, wood, and mastic in a drawn circle while facing to the east.

Bael's Seal
