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How to Summon Astaroth - WikiNecronomicon




Rank: Duke

Legions: Forty

Appearance: Man who rides a dragon with snakes in his hand

Personality: Ugly but glib

Scripture: The Grimoire of Pope Honorius

Methods of Evocation

Most powerful on Wednesday from 10pm-11pm. Inside the circle of his sigil write "Come, Astaroth! Come, Astaroth! Come, Astaroth!".

At which point you must say, "I conjure thee, Astaroth, wicked spirit, by the words Christ of Nazareth, unto whom all demons are submitted, who was conceived of the Virgin Mary; by the mystery of the Angel Gabriel, I conjure thee; and again in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; in the name of the glorious Virgin Mary, and of the Most Holy Trinity, in whose honour do all the Archangels, Thrones, Dominations, Powers, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and Evangelists sing without end; Hosannah, Hosannah, Hosannah, Lord God of Hosts, who art, who wast, who art to come, as a river of burning fire! Neglect not my commands, refuse not to come. I command thee by Him who shall appear with flames to judge the living and the dead, unto whom is all honour, praise, and glory. Come, therefore, promptly, obey my will, appear and give praise to the true God, unto the living God, yea, unto all His works; fail not to obey me, and give honour to the Holy Ghost, in whose name I command thee."

Because of his great relationship with lords, he can easily use his powers to get you into places of power. During the ritual, similar to Beleth, the summoner must wear a magical ring to their face to protect themselves, at which point Astaroth may predict your future or may provide a helping hand it earning the favor of those in high status.

Astaroth's Seal
