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How to Summon Belphegor - WikiNecronomicon




Rank: Ambassador

Legions: Unknown

Appearance: Appears as a young girl

Personality: Intelligent

Scripture: The Dictionnaire Infernal

Methods of Evocation

Belphegor, according to The Dictionnaire Infernal, is the patron demon of ingenious inventions and discoveries, who in later Christian thought was believed to be the prince of sloth, though also appears as the patron demon as excrement. When summoned, he appears as a young girl with a constantly agape mouth. The best place to attempt to evoke this demon is in a cave with human flesh or blood offerings while chanting his demonic enn, "Lyan Ramec Catya Ganen Belphegore".

Belphegor's name started out as Baal-peor or Baal of Poer in Numbers 25:3 and Deuteronomy 4:3 as an alleged Moabite deity who helped drive the men of Israel to sex, immorality, and sacrifice. The name Baal-poer itself is strikingly similar to the winged Middle-Eastern and Canaanite fertility deity Baal. To add onto that, the name Baal is strikingly similar to Bael, suggesting their names are of the same or similar origin. If the verse is indeed referring to Baal Number 25:3 and Deuteronomy 4:3 are unlikely to have happened for two reasons: the first being that a fertility God would not condone animal sacrifice (that seems more like Mot's job) and that the lack of any "Baal of Peor" mentioned in any historical record suggests whoever wrote this section had a poor understanding of his name, let alone any rituals surrounding him.

Belphegor's Seal
